- PirilPiril set of 4 Christmas baubles made of brown recycled glass, Ø 6 cm
- JayaJaya string lights in the shape of a branch 90cm
- BriaBria luminous gold-coloured wreath, Ø60 cm
- ArginArgin set of 4 hanging ornaments made of red recycled glass, 6 cm
- FliaFlia set of 2 white linen and cotton napkins with gold-coloured lurex embroidered detail
- FliaFlia white linen and cotton tablecloth gold-coloured lurex embroidered detail, 150 x 250 cm
- IrloIrlo set of 2 Christmas baubles made of white recycled glass, Ø 10 cm
- ElurElur set of 2 medium-sized Christmas baubles made of gold recycled glass, Ø 10 cm
- RajRaj set of 4 hanging ornaments made of gold recycled glass, 8 cm
- TalveTalve set of 4 Christmas baubles made of white recycled glass, Ø 6 cm
- TamaneTamane fairy light wreath, Ø 17 cm
- PirilPiril set of 2 Christmas baubles made of brown recycled glass, Ø 10 cm
- ElurElur set of 4 small Christmas baubles made of gold recycled glass, Ø 6 cm
- RajRaj set of 2 hanging ornaments made of gold recycled glass, 10 cm
- IrloIrlo set of 4 Christmas baubles made of white recycled glass, Ø 8 cm
- JayaJaya string lights in the shape of a branch 180cm
- PirilPiril Christmas bauble made of brown recycled glass, Ø 15 cm
- ArginArgin set of 2 hanging ornaments made of red recycled glass, 10 cm
- TeilaTeila string lights in the shape of a gold branch 180cm
- PirilPiril Christmas bauble made of brown recycled glass, Ø 25 cm
- IrloIrlo set of 2 Christmas baubles made of white recycled glass, Ø 13 cm
- OretiOreti tablecloth in beige cotton and linen and cocoa embroidery feature, 150x250cm
- RajRaj hanging ornament made of gold recycled glass, 20 cm
- BriaBria luminous gold-coloured wreath, Ø 60 cm
- TeilaTeila string lights in the shape of a silver branch 180cm
- TalveTalve set of 2 Christmas baubles made of white recycled glass, Ø 10 cm
- OretiOreti set of beige cotton and linen napkins with gold-coloured lurex embroidered detail
- ElurElur Christmas bauble made of gold recycled glass, Ø 15 cm
- TalveTalve Christmas bauble made of white recycled glass, Ø 20 cm
- FliaFlia white linen and cotton table runner with gold-coloured lurex embroidered detail
- FliaFlia set of 2 white linen and cotton table mats with gold-coloured lurex embroidered detail
- BriamBriam set of 3 small gold decorative pendant balls
- BriamBriam set of 3 small red decorative pendant balls
- BreshiBreshi set of 3 small red decorative pendant balls with gold details
/Decoration and accessories/Christmas