Wraps are a simple, healthy option that have got many of us out of a tight spot. And we all love them! That's why we’ve chosen a quick and easy recipe to help prepare you a wrap in 5 minutes.
Follow the steps in this video and discover how to skillfully make and plate up a vegetarian wrap. See video.
Vegetarian Wrap
Serves: 1
½ a red apple
1 wholegrain tortilla wrap
15g Feta cheese, or tofu in the vegan version
Red grapes
¼ red onion
1 handful of rocket
1 tsp Olive Oil
1 tsp red wine vinegar, or another vinegar
½ teaspoon of honey
Steps to follow:
Start by preparing the ingredients. Slice the apple, the red onion, and the grapes. Wash and dry the rocket. Meanwhile, we’re going to prepare the vinaigrette in a bowl, then we’ll put everything together.
The plating:
On the Nalea plate we'll prepare and arrange all the ingredients. It’s a good idea to have everything ready and organised, that way each guest can make their own wrap when and how they’d like to. The Pierina set of 3 bowls are a great option here for arranging and distributing the sauces down the length of the table. Now you’re just missing your favourite ingredients in your wrap and it’s good to go!
*Plated with the Pierina Collection.