At home, the most important place to create a calm and peaceful atmosphere is your bedroom. Let’s take a look at the secrets to achieving a space where rest and relaxation come naturally.


Neutral colours

What could be more relaxing than a summer’s night in the countryside, serenaded by leaves rustling in the breeze? Natural settings are ideal for generating a sense of peace and tranquility. Opt for earthy tones for your bedroom and combine them with wooden furniture and natural fibres like sisal to promote relaxation and comfort. On the walls, choose light, neutral tones of grey, beige and white to brighten up the room and create a calm, restful mood. Choose these neutral, natural colours for your bedroom fabrics and furniture and mix and match to create the perfect place to relax.


Soft lighting

Atmospheric lighting is your best ally when it comes to unwinding in the evenings. As well as the overall lighting for the room, which is much more functional, you can use additional sources such as table lamps, floor lamps or wall lights with warm lightbulbs. You can also add a few candles to create a more intimate, personal mood.


A tidy space

A sense of order is one of the most important factors when it comes to eliminating stress. When everything’s in its place, without clothes strewn over the bed or chair, your space will feel a lot calmer. For the décor, avoid a busy look in your bedroom and keep it looking fresh, light and tidy. Make sure that you remove any furniture that’s become a dumping ground for clothes or is full of items you rarely use. Take time to tidy away the rest of your bits and pieces, whether in your wardrobe, under the bed or in your chest of drawers. When you’re finished, you’ll notice how much calmer it all feels.


The sweet smell of success

To create a stress-free space, we need to use all five of our senses. Soft, pleasant and pervasive fragrances have a huge role to play in helping us to connect with a sense of peace at home and to put everyday worries aside. Pop a few handmade bars of soap in your wardrobe or chest of drawers to fragrance the fabrics and give you a blast of freshness when you reach for your clothes. And in the rest of the space, play around with scented candles or diffusers that evoke natural fragrances, like aromatic plants, flowers or fruits.


The right mattress

The most important factor in a good night’s sleep is choosing the right mattress. Find one that suits your lifestyle and the way you sleep. For example, if you’re a committed athlete or have a non-stop schedule, choose an ergonomic mattress that moulds to your body shape for the ultimate rest, such as our Nia mattress, for example. On the other hand, if you’re a light sleeper and prefer to have your own space in bed, choose a mattress that allows for independent movement, like our Juno model. To make the right choice, it’s important to think carefully about your needs beforehand.

Our blog post “5 tips for choosing the perfect mattress” will help you find your perfect mattress.


Comfortable fabrics

Another key ingredient in the recipe for good sleep are comfortable fabrics, with texture and softness. Choose these for your bedlinen as well as for cushions, curtains and rugs. What’s more, these extra-comfy textiles are absorbent enough to muffle sounds and help create a quieter bedroom.


A touch of greenery

Placing a few houseplants in your bedroom will help to create that natural setting we talked about at the beginning. Plants add peace and freshness to a space and help to create a much calmer space by breaking up straight lines with their organic, rounded shapes. If you’re not the most green-fingered person, start with varieties that are easy to care for, like a pothos (Devil’s ivy), common ivy, or spider plant. These houseplants require little attention but will add a splash of greenery, helping you create a peaceful bedroom that’s conducive to sleep.

July 9, 2020, 9:59 a.m.