Once you receive the order at home, you have a period of 14 calendar days to manage the return or report an issue for free through your online account.
Be careful opening with a knife. Keep the packaging some days for in case of return and keep assembly instructions for possible future consult.
Assembly required (yes/no)
Difficulty of assembly
Assembly time
10 min
People required
Assembly suggestions
Check and classify all fittings before starting the assembly. Assemble on a soft surface.
Care & Warranties
General warnings
Do not place near direct sources of heat. Keep away from direct solar light. Do not use abrasive products like acetones, bleaches, solvents, etc. Sharp elements can scratch the product surface.
Specific use and care instructions
Cold washing (below 30°C). Can also be professionally cleaned with any solvent except trichloroethylene. Do not tumble-dry or bleach.
Specific use and care instructions for mattress
The use of protective cover is recommended. Ventilate it and rotate it weekly from head to foot. Do not stand, walk or jump on it. Do not place it on deteriorated support base or bad conditions base, this can affect or damaged the mattress
Made according to
EN 12520:2015 for household use seats
Variation type
No natural variation, Light and environment conditions may distort the color perception of the product
Purposeful distressing type
No distressing
Origin country
When you purchase a new furniture item, mattress, kitchen, rug or curtain, you pay an eco-participation, which is used to fund the recycling of your old items.
What is eco-participation?
Eco-participation is an additional fee added to the price of new bedding and furniture, paid by the consumer and transferred to Ecomaison.
It is used to fund the sorting, recycling, and repurposing of old mattresses and furniture.
How does it work?
Ecomaison implements collection and recycling solutions in partnership with local authorities, social economy organizations (such as the Network of Recycling Centers and Emmaus), and furniture professionals.
Since 2013, through this initiative, Ecomaison has already handled over 10 million tons of used furniture and bedding, preventing the landfill of waste equivalent to 1,000 Eiffel Towers. Previously, 55% of discarded furniture ended up in landfills. Ten years later, it's less than 3%. With 800,000 tons per year, Ecomaison is now the leading supplier of recycled wood in France.
Who is Ecomaison?
Ecomaison is a state-approved eco-organization that manages the sorting, collection, reuse, and recycling of household items and materials, from the foundations to the finishing touches. Its mission is to collect and repurpose household items and materials, giving them a second life by donating, repairing, recycling, or using them as an energy source.
Find a collection point on the website ecomaison.com.