Para nosotros, cada día debería ser el Día de la Madre. Y es que todo lo que somos se lo debemos a ellas. En casa, han conseguido convertir cualquier espacio en un refugio donde hacernos sentir a salvo y a gusto desde que tenemos uso de razón. Hoy queremos recordar esos momentos tan cotidianos que vivimos diariamente en casa y que un día fueron nuestra primera vez, siempre con ellas.

Good morning, Mum!

Could there be a better way to start the day? After a whole night of broken sleep, they still manage to greet us in the morning with the biggest of smiles. The Kron headboard is a faithful ally when it comes to those unique and special moments.

Sofa, movie and mummy time

One of our favourite mantras, which we can thank her for showing us back in the day. Is that why we like our couch, movie and blanket moments so much today? Either way, with the Blok sofa you can maximise that indescribable pleasure of curling up under a lovely blanket.

Go outside, it's good for you!

We love enjoying the outdoors from our balcony, terrace or garden. Nowadays we take a vermouth or a book out with us, but remember when you spent hours and hours just playing outside? Bring back those memories with our Rodhe rug, – it’ll be the little ones’ new favourite spot.

Our first recipe

Your taste for fine food is no random development. We learned our first recipes straight from mother. Experiment, learn and taste. Now it's your turn to settle the account of borrowed Tupperware and say thank you for everything by cooking her favorite dish.


Always learning

They’ve encouraged us to learn, to understand, to be curious, tolerant and open-minded. Because who says you’ve only got one mother? Some of us have two!

Thank you for the hugs, the good morning kisses, for supporting all our first steps, sharing your recipes for success and for bringing out the best version of us. In other words, happy Mother's Day!

30 Apr 2021, 9 a.m.