Choose colours that contribute a sense of space, light, warmth, and, above all, a cosy harmony with your furniture and décor.


Neutral tones such as white and grey are an excellent choice for your living rom walls. As well as suiting any style or colour, they’ll help to create a room that feels clean, elegant and spacious. If you have a small living room, choose neutral colours as these are ideal for achieving a minimalist style.


If you’re looking for a cosy atmosphere, warm colours such as beige, brown and earth tones are your best bet. With a darker shade of brown, your walls will have more interest and won’t need too much complementary decoration.


And for maximum relaxation? Wintry colours like greens and blues are ideal for transmitting calm and freshness as well as a connection with nature. Choose modern, decorative images to help these walls stand out.

10 Feb 2021, 12:54 p.m.