The seasons have always been a good excuse to make up sayings and for changing up our wardrobes. Here at Kave Home, we have a saying: hot or cold, sleep like a log. The fact of the matter is, all year round we have to adapt to the post-holiday season, going back to our daily routine after Christmas, the change in temperature, etc. But a good night’s sleep is always important, be it hot or cold. That’s why your bedroom needs to be your place for rest, or not. We’ve got some tips for you to turn your room in to a relaxing space all 365 days of the year.

Warm light for a summer night

Getting up early is always a drag, but even more so if you’ve not had a good night. What can we say about the short summer nights? Don’t worry, we can shed a little light on the matter, quite literally. We recommend using light bulbs with a warm light, which is crucial if you have a mirror in your room.

Sleepy season colours

Like the leaves on the trees, we also like to see how the interior of our home changes colours at the turn of the season. So that there is still a sense of calm, choose neutral colours in your textiles, so that they work all year round. Pastel colours for pillows and blankets will help you get a calm and relaxed vibe going.

You and your mattress, 100% match

A good mattress is essential for getting a good sleep and a proper rest. But, you need to know yourself well so that you can find the right one. Take note. Do you feel the cold or are you bothered by the heat? Are you a fidgeter or do you keep still? If you haven’t done so already, we really recommend reading the article by Sara Martínez on picking out the perfect mattress.

Keeping calm

If you find it difficult to fall asleep, keep calm. We all go at our own pace. We suggest a few things that you can do before, no stress. Candles, a herbal tea (theine-free!) and Zen music. If you still don’t have a headboard to help you get into a state of trance, we recommend having one that matches the colour-scheme of the rest of the space.

Did you know that, apart from just helping with your health, a good night’s sleep helps you to be more creative? If you look after your body, you’re looking after your mind. Even the most rough-and-ready of us all need their time to relax. Take your time to slow down and recharge your batteries.

9 Jul 2020, 10 a.m.