This is a practical guide to help you combat feelings like: “I’m so busy… the days are flying by… I haven't done anything useful in the past few weeks… I don’t have any time for myself… I don’t stop at any moment of the day…” If you identify with any of the preceding statements, then this is the article for you. We have the solution you need to slow everything down and rethink your habits, so you can start living with more presence of mind and appreciate every minute of the day.

Have you heard of slow living yet?

It’s a lifestyle that suggests approaching life more slowly in order to have a longer and better quality of life.

A slow life is only possible by following consistent habits that help combat the anxiety, stress and pressure that come with a fast-paced life. Here we suggest five easy, super effective steps to start practising slow living.


Sort out your priorities!

The first fundamental step in this process is deciding your priorities. Order your life, figure out which relationships you want to keep, stick with the people that add value and dedicate less time (or no time at all) to those who aren’t important to you.

Switch off

Disconnect from social media and your phone. Whether it’s for a certain amount of time each day, or entire days at a time, plan a bit of free time when you don’t use your phone. You should be in control of your phone, not the other way around. There are loads of digital tools that can help you minimise time using your phone. If you’re not sure if that’ll work, you can always ask someone you trust to keep hold of your phone for you and not give it back until a certain amount of time has passed.

Get some fresh air

Go for a walk outdoors. Get out on a walk, without any distractions, and enjoy your natural surroundings. Focus on the noises you hear – the birds, your footsteps, your breathing – and enjoy every bit of movement. This habit will help you connect with yourself and your surroundings.

Say no

Knowing how to say no is essential for leading a relaxed life. There are too many things going on in our lives and if we don’t make an effort to get rid of some of them, we can’t slow things down. Say no to plans that make you feel tired, bored, stressed or overwhelmed. Say no to anything that doesn’t make you happy.


Recognise that you’re more efficient if you restrict yourself to one task at a time, and be totally present for the task when you’re doing it. You’ll be more productive and organised, you’ll learn how to focus your mind, and you’ll start to feel more fulfilled.

These new habits are going to help you lead a slower, healthier life, with less stress and improved relationships and wellbeing. You can practise them from today and embrace a new life!

22 Jun 2021, noon